On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 1:24 PM, Liviu Andronic <landronim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 7:15 PM, Nikos Chantziaras <rea...@arcor.de> wrote:
>>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14591540/newfile1.pdf
>> I see.  Those are indeed bitmap fonts and not recommended for PDFs (or
>> anything else, actually.)  I guess your TeX installation is missing the
>> scalable version of the Computer Modern fonts.
> My guess is that you're using default fonts, and LyX in default
> configuration will use bitmap fonts (long story). Try to change
> Document > Settings > Fonts > Roman to Latin Modern or Palatino to get
> vector fonts. But I don't know if this would help you with the
> submission thingy.

This (bitmap as default) has always been puzzling to me. Even though
it's a small thing to correct, I've seen it be a barrier to adoption
by the less-technically-inclined. It seems like making a scalable font
the default would go a long way to making LyX "just work" out of the

Of course, there is probably another side to the story.

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