The images are all .eps files.

The log file says "LaTeX Warning: Citation `<name of citation>' on page
<whatever page> undefined on input line <input line number>." Then on the
bottom it says "LaTeX: Warning: There were undefined references."

There are no strings in the log file that match the name of my .bib file
(Kniffin_2011.bib) which is in the same directory (in the E: drive) as my
LyX file, but there is some text at the bottom that points to a .bbl the C:
drive that matches the name of my .bib file:


1.bbl) [22]"


On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 6:36 AM, Paul A. Rubin <> wrote:

> On 2/1/2011 7:12 PM, Gabriel Kniffin wrote:
>> The image files live on my E: drive. I'm able to build a .ps or .dvi
>> without any figure issues, just not a .pdf.
> What format are the image files?  I wonder if the reason DVI works and PDF
> doesn't has to do with a failed attempt to convert the format.
>> Also, I still get a [?] instead of citations in the document after I've
>> added my .bib file to the LyX document using the "LyX: BibTeX Bibliography"
>> dialog box.
> Does the LaTeX log file have anything to say about that?  If all the
> citations show up as ?, either it can't find the .bib file or latex (or
> pdflatex) was not run enough times.
> /Paul

Gabriel Kniffin
Research Assistant
Northwest Electromagnetics and Acoustics Research Laboratory (NEAR-Lab)
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.
Portland State University
(503) 725-3813 Lab
(360) 521-8772 Mobile

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