On 3 Feb 2011, at 15:07, Richard Heck wrote:

> On 02/03/2011 05:54 AM, Kristoffer Lawson wrote:
>> Hi there, I am writing a report about a project I was running (in my 
>> signature for those curious :) and I would like to have captions for my 
>> images. By using directly inserted graphics there seems to be no way to do 
>> this. I tried using floated graphics but here the problem is that each 
>> caption gets the text "Figure 1:" to it. This is something I don't want as 
>> the images are there just to liven up the story, and I do not refer to them.
>> I found a hack to remove the figure number, but the "Figure :" text still 
>> remains. Am I missing some really obvious option?
> In LyX, just delete the caption inset: the thing that says "Figure 1".

I think you are missing the point: then I don't have any caption at all. I 
guess I could always just insert some standard text and fiddle around with the 
options and font options it until it looks like a caption, but that to me seems 
like a very un-LyX-like way to do it?

Kristoffer Lawson, Co-Founder, Scred // http://www.scred.com/
http://travellingsalesman.mobi - 10000km & The world's most arctic startups

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