Am 04.02.2011 um 08:17 schrieb Manveru:

> 2011/1/18 Christian Wilhelmsen <>:
>> I juse LyX and Dropbox in collaboration with my team mates, and the problem
>> is that when you have opened a file, another user edits it and sync it
>> through
>> dropbox, LyX wont open the new version, it opens a buffered copy or
>> something.
>> We have to close LyX each time we want to open an updated document, or else
>> you just get the copy that is stored in memory... Tried removing
>> auto-backup, if that was the problem, but no.
>> Anyone knows how we can get past this problem?
> I think your problem lies in Dropbox itself and the file locking
> mechanics (I understand you are working on Windows). Dropbox cannot
> update (write to) file currently open by any application for reading,
> Windows permission system does not allow that. I do not know whether
> LyX keep file opened or locked anyhow (should for NFS purpose),
> however while Dropbox > 1.0 is able to read and sync files to the
> server (it do that with my opened Excel sheets) it is not able to
> write anything while file is opened.

You are wild guessing? AFAICS, LyX doesn't lock the files and - 
at least on Unix (Linux and Mac) - it doesn't keep the original
file open. I never tested this on windows. You may try to copy 
an elder version of a file over the original while LyX has the
document on screen to try it out.

> When you close the LyX all locks are removed, Dropbox quickly updates
> your file from the server, then when you reopen LyX you see new
> version.

Did you try to use "Revert to saved..."? If you don't edit the file
and no change to the file happened externally this menu item is
disabled. If one of these conditions is true - you can reload the
original from disk with "Revert to saved...".

> I think LyX should operate at Dropbox API level to handle
> properly that case you expect.

I don't think that this is needed - and cannot imagine it should happen.

> I think it won't happen fast if at all.
> Forst it need good "merge" feature - I do not know if is finished or
> not.

If merge features are needed - I'd suggest to use a real revision control
system like SVN. It's designed for collaboration. LyX is able to handle
locking with SVN, warns you if a merge is needed etc. See the LyX docs.
Of course you need a SVN repository somewhere with access for all co-workers...


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