Hello Richard,

thanks for the answer. I do not think it is a Unicode problem because I 
generate the bibtex file from Zotero using IS0-8859-15 which has worked before. 
Also, all author names appear fine in the bibliography itself. Even those with 
special characters such as "ï".

Any other ideas?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Heck [mailto:rgh...@comcast.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 3:40 PM
> To: Matthias Hunstig
> Cc: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
> Subject: Re: use of \citet (with natbib numeric) gives "(author?)" error
> On 07/13/2011 05:58 AM, Matthias Hunstig wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am using LyX 2.0 and just switched the citation style to Natbib (numeric)
> because I want to use \citet from time to time.
> >
> > However, whenever I use \citet, a bold *(author?)* appears in the PDF
> > instead of the author name. The source code looks fine to me, for
> > example: \citet[p.~223]{watson_2009}
> >
> > Any idea what causes this?
> >
> This kind of thing is usually due to problems with the .bib file, and the
> problem is usually the presence of Unicode characters gotten from pasting a
> reference from the web or something. If you use bibtex for the processor,
> then the file really needs to be ASCII; if you use bibtex8, you can get away
> with 8-bit encodings; but Unicode needs special treatment and is not
> presently recommended.
> Richard

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