On 09/02/2011 01:24 PM, Jane Shevtsov wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Paul Rubin <ru...@msu.edu
> <mailto:ru...@msu.edu>> wrote:
>     So, despite the message, the PDF file does not show up in the
>     directory where
>     the LyX doc lives?  Try exporting and (with LyX still running) use
>     Windows
>     Explorer to check the LyX temporary directory.  (If you're not
>     sure where that
>     is, check Tools > Preferences > Paths > Temporary directory.  I
>     could pretty
>     much tell you from memory where it is on XP, but Win 7 moved stuff
>     around, and
>     I'm not on a Win box right now.)  Assuming you can find the
>     directory, if the
>     PDF file is sitting in it, then the problem may be something with
>     access
>     permissions for the directory where the source document is (unlikely,
>     but possible).
> I tried that, changing the temp directory to Documents. I saw lots of
> intermediate files but not the PDF.
Then it would seem the PDF is not being generated, though LyX seems to
think it is.

Can you run LyX from a terminal and post all the output here from when
you try to generate the PDF?


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