Thomas Strausz wrote:
> Sorry. I restarted LyX and now the output looks like this:

Thanks. It seems like the bcf file is not mentioned in your LaTeX log file.

The log file is supposed to have a line such as

\openout3 = `Minimalbeispiel.bcf'.

Can you check if such a line is there? If not, the bcf file is not added to 
LyX's dependency tracker and thus biber is not issued.

Maybe it's a MikTeX thing not to output this line (\openout security 
setting). If so, we will need a different check.

To those who see the problem and can compile: Could you check if the 
following fixes the issue?

Index: src/LaTeX.cpp
--- src/LaTeX.cpp       (Revision 39799)
+++ src/LaTeX.cpp       (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
        // biber writes no info to the aux file, so we just check
        // if a bcf file exists (and if it was updated)
        FileName const bcffile(changeExtension(file.absFileName(), ".bcf"));
-       bool const biber = head.exist(bcffile);
+       bool const biber = bcffile.exists();
        // run bibtex
        // if (scanres & UNDEF_CIT || scanres & RERUN || run_bibtex)

The change probably has drawbacks. One that comes to mind is that there 
might be a zombie bcf file after a switch from biber to bibtex, and thus 
still biber would be called erroneously.


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