On Wed, 01 Feb 2012 12:59:33 -0700
Rob Oakes <rob.oa...@oak-tree.us> wrote:

> Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

One thing you do not mention is handling figures. The documents I work
with tend to be very heavily illustrated, and I like LyX because it
handles figures so much better than Word that there is no comparison.
But most of my collaborators refuse to consider anything but Word, and
hand me their contributions -- replete with figures on every page -- in
the form of a .docx file which is so messed up LibreOffice renders it
in a barely recognizable form. I usually end up asking for a PDF file,
and I go through it copying text from it and pasting it into LyX, and
using Acrobat Reader's snapshot tool to get the figures into Gimp.

A tool which could import figure-heavy Word documents into LyX would be
wonderful. A tool which would allow export of such documents into Word
would be even more wonderful (and also a miracle). The client for a
project currently near completion would like the final report (a 250
page document with over 200 figures, an index, and a bibtex
bibliography) in Word format as well as in PDF format and paper. My
current plan for that is to export the LyX to HTML and try to import it
into LibreOffice, but I'm not very hopeful about getting a useful


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