On Mon, 13 Feb 2012, Steve Litt wrote:

Memoir is cool, but be very careful, because Memoir screws up with certain
other packages, most notably hyperref, for which you'll need the memhfixc
package, and a lot of rain dances to get it to work. Or at least that's
how I remember it. My thought is if you use Memoir, use it every time so
you get to know Memoir like the back of your hand, and you can fix
hyperref problems in minutes instead of days.

  Some years ago I settled on the KOMA-Script classes as my defaults.
Learned how to tweak them to my specifications and stuck with them ever

  Like many applications (and linux/*BSD in general) there are multiple
tools to accomplish any task. It's better to pick one and learn it well than
to switch from one to another. I've done the same with R: I use the lattice
package for plotting while others use the base plot package and still others
prefer ggplot2.

  By the same token, I've adopted the Palatino typeface as the default for
all my LyX documents and PSTricks for all vector plotting. Makes life
simpler and more productive.


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