Dear LyX community,

First, thank you for a wonderful editor!

Is there an easy way for me to get rid of the "You cannot ... Please read the
tutorial" message?  I know that typing two spaces that way doesn't change the
layout, and I'm more-or-less fine with LyX auto-deleting the space.  I'm
completely fine with TeX not changing the formatting based on "extra" spaces. 
With all that said, I'd prefer that LyX stop nagging.  I know already!

I'm not going to adjust my typing style, because most of the time when I type,
putting two spaces after a period or some other punctuation is the right thing
to do.  Also, I learned to type on a manual typewriter in the mid-70's when I
was in 4th grade; that muscle memory ain't going away any time soon :-)

I know I could hack the code myself, but then I'd have to maintain my hack
across each upgrade.  Is there a preference I can set?  If not, is there a way I
can file a request for enhancement?  :-)



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