
I've been into Lyx for several weeks.

Nowadays trying to comply with these specs:

"It is desirable to include an indentation at the beginning of each new paragraph, and for paragraphs to be numbered (i.e., [0001], [0002], [0003], etc.)."

Despite already 2 days searching everywhere, the best I came up with was an ugly kludge. There /must/ be a better way


this, used with a local article.layout where I make

DefaultStyle Subsubsection

   Style Subsubsection

       Margin Dynamic
       LatexType Command
       LatexName subsubsection

           Family Roman
           Series Medium
           Size Normal

       TocLevel 1


then eventually ERT with \renewcommand\theparagraph{{[010}\arabic{paragraph}{]}

It works, *except* for the PDF output of my "subsubsections" being in bold

I have absolutely not been able to fix that, except manually, and then the numbering stays in bold...

can you help, please?

Thank you!


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