On Fri, 27 Apr 2012 09:43:38 -0400
Richard Heck <rgh...@comcast.net> wrote:


excuse me for jumping a bit late into this thread...but we are seriously
considering to use LyX as our 'markup tool of the choise" instead of
AsciiDoc or resT/Sphinx.

Few days ago we hit a problem whne wanting to produce floating image
(wrap text around lef/right-aligned image) and it seems that it's not
possible to do it using neither FOP nor bblatex AsciiDoc backends.

In the reST/Sphinx arena, we came to know that rst2pdf cannot do it as
well (due to limit in Reportlab), which leaves as only with reST/Sphinx.

Otoh, we're able to quickly produce desired effect in LyX which makes us
thing to give up on both AsciiDoc and reST/Sphinx and simply use LyX.

> Regarding the visual appearance, then, I should say that LyX's own
> HTML output and elyxer *both* pretty exclusively use CSS to style the 
> document. So one can in fact change the appearance quite easily,
> either by editing the CSS manually, once the file's been exported, or
> else by using the usual customization methods within LyX: layout
> files, modules, local layout, and so forth. So it's worth
> distinguishing these two issues.

I do not want to say that LyXHTML output is ugly, but we wonder where to
find more info how to customize output to come close to the output
generated by bith AsciiDoc as well as Sphinx?

Moreover, we're curios if LyXHTML can be configured to produce chunked
XHTML output with navigation links?


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