On Wed, 18 Jul 2012 01:26:37 +0200, Pavel Sanda said:
> Steve Litt wrote:
> > You've convinced me that, whenever humanly possible, I'll use .svg
> > graphics with LyX.
> The bad news is that there are cases when the conversion
> svg->pdf(/eps) doesn't work well and you are dependent on external
> tools (either inkscape or rsvg-convert) which can change any moment
> and screw up your document as their version changes.
> From longterm & stability view postscript or pdf seems to be better
> idea for storing vector graphic (as far as LyX usage is concerned).
> Pavel

Hi Pavel,

You bring up an excellent point. In this particular case, my graphics
are usually made in Inkscape anyway, so unless Inkscape changes one
heck of a lot, there should be no problem.

Postscript is huge, and my experience is that it makes the finished PDF
huge too. I'll see whether including an SVG results in a materially
different result, visually or byteswise, than a PDF.



Steve Litt                *  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
                          *  http://twitter.com/stevelitt
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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