Am Fri, 14 Sep 2012 11:53:52 -0500
schrieb stefano franchi <>:

> Now, for your problem, here is a stab:  If I understand you correctly,
> biblatex gave you problems, whereas bibtex (after a few runs) gave you
> correct output. You may want to check that your biblatex version and
> your biblatex style are in sync. The errors you are reporting are
> rather typical of a mismatch of this kind. You may have older versions
> of the standard biblatex styles on your system picked up by mistake,
> or you may be using custom biblatex styles (which usually lag behind
> biblatex rather frantic development pace).

Ok, thanks. I use indeed a custom biblatex style: biblatex-dw. On my
system (Sabayon Linux, based on Gentoo testing), biblatex-dw is in the
package bibtexextra, which is from the 2012 texlive distro. Biblatex
itself is its own package, and installed version is 2.1-r1. 2.1 seems
to be from 2012 as well, but there is biblatex 2.2, too (not yet in my
distros repos).

Could those two version be incompatible? They seem recent to me.

Is it possible to install my own version (i.e. 2.2) of biblatex in my
home dir? How would I point Lyx to use it?

Many thanks again,

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