My problem is that if I want to show tracked changes in PDF view or output I get these errors:
Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `LYXDELETED'.
Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `LYXADDED'.
after a modest finite extent of the document is processed.

If I delete changed and unchanged text from the document such that the document is small enough, then PDF output with tracked changes works.

This is true whether I use Lyx PDF viewing, or run OS' pdflatex compiler on exported .tex file.

If I disable 'show changes in output', then PDF output occurs without errors.

Can anyone help me resolve this problem?

I did some general Google and LyX wiki searching, but nothing popped up.


I have Lyx 2.0.5 on a Suse 11.1 box. and:

pdflatex -v
pdfTeX using libpoppler 3.141592-1.40.3-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.6)
kpathsea version 3.5.6

Header of .log file:
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6) (format=latex 2009.1.23) 27 NOV 2012 12:44
entering extended mode

Header of .tex file:
%% LyX 2.0.5 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

 breaklinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 1},backref=false,colorlinks=false]


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Change tracking with ulem

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
% nagdoc.tex V2.0, 13 May 2010

%\documentclass[times,doublespace]{nagauth}%For paper submission


\newcommand{\BibTeX}{{\rmfamily B\kern-.05em \textsc{i\kern-.025em b}%
\kern-.08em T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}


Thanks for any help, Allen

Allen Wilkinson                       (cell)  (216) 548-2349
1286 Yellowstone Road
Cleveland Heights, OH 44121  USA      (INTERNET) aw(at)chaff(dot)biz

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