On 09/12/2013 04:52 AM, Itai Shaked wrote:
I'm having a problem, which I'm not sure is due to LyX, but I would appreciate it if any one here could help me.

When writing a document in LyX and using XeTeX and polyglossia I have noticed some of the page numbers were in different font than others. Upon further investigation I have found out that whenever an environment (e.g. Theorem, Lemma, etc.) spans a page break, the page number within would use the font used in that environment (so - the specific number would be italic, like a text of a Theorem environment).

This only happens when using non-English language.

Would this be a bug in LyX or polyglossia?
How would you go further investigating or repairing it?

That is very strange. It is definitely not a LyX bug.

I guess the thing to do is to redefine how the page number is being printed. What page style are you using? Did you do anything with the fancy headers business?


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