On 03/28/2014 06:44 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
2014-03-28 11:33 GMT+01:00 Murat Yildizoglu:

    Don't get vexed so quickly Jürgen :-)  The users should be able to
    tell the problems they meet.

Sure, but in a constructive way. We cannot fix "a total waste of time" and "terrible support".

    It is true that writing a module for supporting a new class file
    is not very easy, but I do not know how it could be. We must find
    a way to tell to the WSYWYM software a way to represent on the
    screen the new logical components that are specific to this new
    class. Scientific Word (a commercial software costing a LOT money-
    especially in France) has always been confronted to the same
    problem, even if they provided a graphical style composer (it was
    not very easy to use either, but I have not tested it recently,
    since I have switched to Lyx).

Sure. We all want some graphical tool to setup layout files. There even were attempts to do so.

Even that does not help that much. You would still have to go through the class file, or an example, or whatever, and create the layout. That's where the real work is, IMHO, and there is no way around it. No one is going to write some program to parse cls files and create layout files from them. I'm not ever sure it's possible, in any realistic sense.

People who want LyX to support new class files have to be willing to do the work. That's not to say the original poster isn't. But it's silly for anyone to expect *us* to do it.


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