On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 12:56 PM, James A.R. Koehler <jim.koeh...@usask.ca>wrote:

>  Thanks Jacob,

You're welcome. I'm glad to help.

>     I am also using Mint 16 Petra but with MATE.  On my main machine,
> which is the 64-bit version of Mint16, I installed all the texlive packages
> (I have a fairly high-speed link and lots of HD space), I opened Lyx, ran
> Tools > Reconfigure, closed Lyx and reopened it.  I then opened a fairly
> large document I'd created a few years ago using the then current version
> of Lyx and it seemed to open in the editor nicely.  When I tried to view
> the document in dvi, I got an error message saying "Latex error: File
> 'wrapfig.sty not found".

>From time to time, I discover that there's a LaTeX package out there I'd
like to use. Sometimes, I discover it from a suggestion or through a
search, but then I have the problem that I don't know how best to install
it. I could manually download the files from CTAN and put them in the right
place, but that gets cumbersome, and there's usually an easier way. In
fact, there's usually some texlive .deb package already in the repositories
waiting for me to install it. The problem is I don't know which package to
install in order to get the LaTeX packages I want. Fortunately, there's a
debian utility called apt-file. It can be installed the typical way (e.g.,
$sudo apt-get install apt-file). Once installed (after running $sudo
apt-file update), you can run a command like $apt-file search wrapfig.sty

I did just that, and it returned the following:

texlive-latex-extra: /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/wrapfig/wrapfig.sty

which tells me that if I want to use wrapfig.sty, I need to have the
package texlive-latex-extra installed. So, what I would suggest is that you
install that package, reconfigure LyX, restart LyX, and then try to compile
your document. I do hope this helps.

>     I notice that all the sub-directories under the .lyx directory my home
> directory are still all empty.  Surely this is not normal?

I don't really think that's a problem. Someone may correct me if I'm wrong,
but I believe that directory is only for local customizations to your LyX
install, and it's perfectly fine for it to be empty. Can you now open and
compile the help manuals? Please report back.


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