On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Daniel CLEMENT <dcleme...@laposte.net> wrote:
> Le mercredi 26 mars 2014 à 15:00 -0700, James A.R. Koehler a écrit :
>> I have installed Lyx (several times!) on two Mint16 machines; one a
>> 32-bit version and the other 64-bit.  Mint is based on Ubuntu 13. In
>> both cases, when installing either from a download from the Lyx site or
>> via the .deb repository, it installs without any classes or layouts;
>> i.e., it is not very useful.
> I have a brand new live USB (persistent) install of LM16, where LyX is
> installed from Synaptic. I was able to observe but partly what you
> describe.
> 1. There are indeed some classes missing, but on top of the list under
> Document > Parameters there's a good 20+ choice of basic document
> classes. Aren't the ones you miss in texlive-formats-extra or
> texlive-publishers?
OK, this sounds more like LaTeX classes are missing (and NOT LyX
layout files). Which means that re-installing LyX is of no
consequence. You should perform a full installation of TeX Live. You
may as well start by installing 'texlive-full', but beware that this
is likely to be a monstrous download.


>> If I try to read the User Manual, it comes
>> up with an error saying it cannot find the appropriate class to display
>> the data.  Catch 22.
> 2. I had different errors. First it complained about enumitem.sty not
> found. This could be solved by installing texlive-latex-extra (not here
> by default). Still, there's another error: "No information to convert
> files from eps format to pdf format. Define a converter under
> preferences".
>> In previous installations on earlier distributions of Linux in other
>> years, the installation was seamless and problem free.  Help!
> Granted, I never had to do that under any other LyX install.
> FWIW, under Linux Mint Debian, there's no such problems.
>> Jim
> --
> Daniel CLEMENT

Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?

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