On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 11:00 PM, James A.R. Koehler
<jim.koeh...@usask.ca> wrote:
> I have installed Lyx (several times!) on two Mint16 machines; one a 32-bit
> version and the other 64-bit.  Mint is based on Ubuntu 13. In both cases,
> when installing either from a download from the Lyx site or via the .deb
> repository, it installs without any classes or layouts; i.e., it is not very
Have you tried installing from the PPA?



> useful.  If I try to read the User Manual, it comes up with an error saying
> it cannot find the appropriate class to display the data.  Catch 22.
> In previous installations on earlier distributions of Linux in other years,
> the installation was seamless and problem free.  Help!
> Jim

Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?

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