On 04/27/2014 04:05 PM, Roman Inflianskas wrote:

I try to create layout.

It works well except one thing: paragraphs after lists (itemize) are not indented (layout uses indention instead of skip between paragraphs). Trying to solve it I converted document to XeLaTeX tex file and saw:

Text, text, text.


\item First item.

\item Second item.


Text continues...

The problem is that there is no empty line after list, so LaTeX doesn't indent phrase "Text continues...". I've tried different options: NextNoIndent, ParbreakIsNewline, RightDelim. "NextNoIndent 0" gives me correctly indented text in the LyX but not in the generated PDF (or tex).

The way LyX is doing this is correct. An environment, in principle, is part of the paragraph in which it appears, unless you explicitly say otherwise. And, typographically, you should not want to indent the following material by default. You should do so only if it begins a new paragraph, i.e., a new set of ideas.

Word(TM) has done this wrong for so long that it has confused people.

If you DO want to indent the next paragraph, then put a "--Separator--" enviroment after your list.


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