On Wed, 7 May 2014, Barry Brent wrote:

I got through the first three bullet points, but not the fourth. (I’m
using Mac OS 9.2.) In your pull- down menu “View” there is no sub-option
also called “View”. But there *is* an option called “Toolbars” within
which I found an option called “View/Update”. That’s as close as I could
come to “View◃View”.


  I use linux, not OS X, but it should make no difference.

  I've never used the View menu to look at the compiled document. Instead, I
use Ctrl-x p (with the emacs keyboard layout). You can get to the same place
using Tools -> Preferences -> Editing -> Shortcuts -> Document/Window ->
Buffer-View DVI. Assign they keys you want (such as what I use) to that

  The DVI viewer will pop up and display the document as it would be
compiled to a pdf with, for example, File -> Export -> pdflatex.

Welcome to the club,


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.        | Technically sound and legally defensible
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