Am 22.06.2014 17:38, schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am 22.06.2014 17:07, schrieb Christian W:
Is there a way in Lyx to automatically convert all eps and pdf vector
graphics to PNG bitmap format? For printing, my publisher asked me to
provide a PDF file without vector graphics as this might cause some
problems. Instead they asked me to convert all vector graphics to PNG format with 600 dpi resolution. I am using pdflatex in Lyx to genreate the final
pdf document.

Strange, that a publisher is apparently nowadays not able to do this conversion himself
|convert -density 600 in.eps out.png

if you want to convert many in a go, look at

where it says:
Converting many files at once is where ImageMagick really shines. The |mogrify| command is probably the quickest option. For example, to convert the files image01.eps, image02.eps and image03.eps to png, just use the command |mogrify -format png image*.eps|. In one shot, it will create image01.png, image02.png and image03.png.

Unfortunately, recent version of Imagemagick seem to be treating eps to png conversions oddly (see below) so mogrify isn't cutting it on my files. If you have similar trouble (and you're on Unix or Mac or Cygwin), you can just use a bit of Bash combined with the |convert| command to get around the problem like this:


   for f in `ls *.eps`; do
         convert -density 100 $f -flatten ${f%.*}.png;


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