On 08/28/2014 07:03 AM, Jerry wrote:
I have a fancy hyphenated word, crosstalk-cancelled, where I spell it with (I 
believe) the proper - which is an n-dash. When this is rendered in the vicinity 
of a line wrap, the entire thing gets pushed to the next line, leaving a lot of 
ugly white space in the first line. So I inserted a hyphenation point after the 
-. This shows on the LyX screen as sort of -- which is my original n-dash and a 
shorter blue dash, probably supposed to represent a hyphen. This is all great, 
but when this version is rendered, the line break now appears after 
crosstalk--, that is, both the n-dash _and_ the hyphenation point are rendered 
which looks very wrong. What is the typographer's say on this, and is LyX doing 
the right thing. Also, is this a LyX problem or a TeX problem? My guess the 
typographer would say, let the n-dash stand alone if it occurs at a line break.

Yes, the n-dash should stand alone, but LaTeX is doing what you are asking: You told it that it was OK to hyphenate there, so it has. What you want is the \linebreak command instead. LyX does not have native support for this, so you have to use ERT. Note that you can use an optional argument with \linebreak, as well, from 0 to 4, which mean: you can break here; you really must break here. So you could try:
in ERT to start. The advantage of using the optional argument is that, if you move some text around, LaTeX still has a chance of getting the linebreaking right, whereas if you insist the line be broken there, then things could go very ugly.


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