On 08/28/2014 11:43 AM, stefano franchi wrote:

On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 6:03 AM, Jerry <lancebo...@qwest.net <mailto:lancebo...@qwest.net>> wrote:

    I have a fancy hyphenated word, crosstalk-cancelled, where I spell
    it with (I believe) the proper - which is an n-dash. When this is
    rendered in the vicinity of a line wrap, the entire thing gets
    pushed to the next line, leaving a lot of ugly white space in the
    first line. So I inserted a hyphenation point after the -. This
    shows on the LyX screen as sort of -- which is my original n-dash
    and a shorter blue dash, probably supposed to represent a hyphen.
    This is all great, but when this version is rendered, the line
    break now appears after crosstalk--, that is, both the n-dash
    _and_ the hyphenation point are rendered which looks very wrong.
    What is the typographer's say on this, and is LyX doing the right
    thing. Also, is this a LyX problem or a TeX problem? My guess the
    typographer would say, let the n-dash stand alone if it occurs at
    a line break.

This stackexchange question [1] contains more info than you probably wished for, but it may still be useful in laying out the various ways to approach the problem. Richard's suggestion (\newline) is indeed one of those listed. Of course, all solution refer to LaTeX an not Lyxd, which means you can use them only if you insert them in ERT boxes (and add the corresponding packages, when needed, to your Document's preamble)

[1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2193307/how-to-get-latex-to-hyphenate-a-word-that-contains-a-dash

Wow, that is a lot of information! Mostly, that deals with cases where you use the word a lot. I took this to be more of a one-off sort of issue. But I'm going to save that link....


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