2. LaddieAlpha on Mono were the the names I was looking for. If it works, I don't care about name or environment. I was just pondering aternatives. 4. /dev/ttyS0 is the first USB-port, then? Or is it the USB-port + a USB-2-serial adapter? 6. How do you manage power cycles? 5. If you build your own serial port, isn't that smaller? -- Greetings from the TyRannoSaurus Jan-80 On Fri, 1 Jan 2016 17:22:11 -0500, Stephen Adolph wrote: > HI Jan, > > I am currently running a raspberry pi with laddieAlpha, and it is working well. Why do you want to use Desklink? In my case, Laddiealpha is listening to a TCP port however, not serial. > > Certainly it could use the /dev/ttyS0 port if you wanted to. > > John H is the expert here. > > ..Steve > > On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 10:46 AM, Jan-80 wrote: > >> Hello, >> >> A happy New Year 2016 to all of you. >> >> I would like to use my old Raspberry Pi - an early Model B with only 256 MB RAM - as a TPDD replacement. It would also allow anyone with any type of old Raspberry Pi to do so. I am sure that, with the presentation of the Pi2, a lot of hobbyists are going to sell their first-generation Pi's and they can be picked up really cheap. >> >> Software: there have been 2 ways reported on this list on getting a TPDD emulator to work on the R.Pi. A third one was never mentioned, but might be possible also. Correct me if I'm wrong >> 1. re-compiling Desklink from the original source for the Raspbian environment. >> 2. running the Windows.NET based version of Desklink in the .NET-compatible environment of the R.Pi. (sorry, forgot the name) >> 3. is it possible to run a Desklink in DOS-emulated environment? (Just an idea of mine...) >> >> Hardware: come to think of it, some hardware stuff must also be considered. >> 4. Serial link simple: a USB-to-serial adapter does the trick. I have one, but don't know if it will work. How do I test this? >> 5. Isn't it possible to use the I/O pins from the R.Pi as a serial port? Does the TPDD need the control lines? >> 6. If you use the R.Pi as a TPDD, you're likely to turn it off an on as one. But the R.Pi is a computer, and you could ruin the filesystem by doing so. Isn't it better to use a hardware on/off button instead of simply pulling the plug? Like this one: >> http://www.raspberry-pi-geek.com/Archive/2013/01/Adding-an-On-Off-switch-to-your-Raspberry-Pi [1] Links: ------ [1] http://www.raspberry-pi-geek.com/Archive/2013/01/Adding-an-On-Off-switch-to-your-Raspberry-Pi [2] mailto:ja...@scarlet.be