I just looked at my files for the extended 8085. They are all dated April 2012! Has it really been 4 years since I worked on that stuff? Man time sure does fly by.

Anyway, I saw that I also remapped the RSTV opcode since it is basically useless in the M100 ROM, and I also have extended opcodes for LJMP and LCALL (24-bit JMP and CALL).

That project was built around an Actel IGLOO chip (sitting on a board with limited peripherals). I should dust off that project and get it running on my Digilent NEXYS 4 or Zedboard board.


On 5/2/16 3:18 PM, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 3:01 PM, Ken Pettit <petti...@gmail.com <mailto:petti...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I used the MOV A,A MOV B,B, MOV C,C, etc. opcodes and remaped them.

Clever! As you know though there's all kinds of strange code in the ROM used in "byte fighter" techniques where the programmer coded a jump into the middle of an instruction effectively creating multiple entry points into the same instruction with different outcomes depending on the entry point. Did Bill ever use those opcodes as "special no-ops"?

-- John.

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