The low bytes in an option rom are the reset and other interrupt entry

-- John.

On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 10:27 PM hargarg trurthsr <>

> Thank you for that program. I tried print chr$ the option rom address
> $0000 to $8000 and there are some stuff at the very beginning, but nothing
> identifiable and then it's just pages and pages of mostly ";" + 0 (59, and
> 0). Weird...   The first bytes starting from $0000 are 56, 191, 239, 255,
> 191, 255, 251, 49, 248, 255, 239, 127, 118, 255, 190, 44, 62, 251, 255,
> 255, 126, 255 ,255, 122, 254, 191, 135, 250, 255, 255, 237, 43, 188, 127,
> 215, 251, 254, 255, 250 ,28 ,254, 123, 108, 255, 219, 191, 255, 54, 254,
> 255, 242, 127, 78, 255, 199, 46, 120, 59, 4, 51, 0, 57, 0, 63, 0, 59, 1,
> 59, 0, 59, 0, 27
> and then it goes mostly alternating between 59, and 0 to $8000.
> If there is a program there, it's a very small one.  I tried poking the
> values into virtual T and tried disassembling, but not familiar enough with
> m102 and assembly.
> Anyway, thank you again.
> Yes. So a simple PEEK loop in BASIC won't work.
> Found this online, might work, but you need to modify it to run in a loop
> (it only peeks one byte)
> 100 FOR X=0 TO 13
> 110   READ D
> 120   POKE 65351+X,D
> 130 NEXT X
> 200 INPUT HL
> 210 CALL 65351,0,HL
> 220 PRINT PEEK(63360)
> 1000 DATA 243,62,1,211,232,126,50,128,247,175,211,232,251,201

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