The EME logo might indicate that underneath is a standard 27c256 eprom. At one 
time, EME made a flexible PCB that wrapped around a normal eprom and re-mapped 
the pins to match the optrom socket. I have been able to re-use these so even 
if the ROM isn't useful any more, the EME PCB may be.

    On Monday, March 13, 2017 8:48 AM, hargarg trurthsr <> 

 I'm fairly sure it's probably the DOS for the floppy drive now. When I do call 
63012 it prints a line feed and just waits there like it's looking for the  
floppy drive.  I've ordered some parts to try to make a null modem cable to 
connect to the PC.  I could probably write a program to send the ROM content to 
PC and save on it at some point. I doubt that it's anything all that 
interesting.Anyway, thanks everyone for tips and pointers. This is a great 
mailing list.

On 3/13/2017 6:38 AM, Brian White wrote:

The rombo is a generic device that can have any rom you wanted loaded on it, 
like a thumb drive. Doesn't have to be written by or even licensed by EME. And 
there are a few different roms that had disk support in them.
After re-seating, call 63012 still didn't work any better?
If you're really curious you could mail the rom to one of us who can read it 
out. (I could do it easy) Or maybe you have a local electronics shop and they 
can read it. If it's a rombo, then it has a standard 28 pin soic eprom, and 
they can clip a soic28 test clip on it.
Or if you want I could tell you exactly what to get and what to do if you 
wanted to get an eprom burner and test clip and dump it yourself. Though 
finding the BASIC program to do it would be about $75 cheaper!
Then we can look at it easy.
On Mar 13, 2017 7:03 AM, "hargarg trurthsr" <> wrote:

The only thing that I can think of is, it might be the DOS for the portable 
floppy drive which I had at one point(I still might somewhere). I don't know if 
EME systems was ever involved with that or whether the portable floppy drive 
required an option ROM to operate.

On 3/13/2017 12:54 AM, Mike Nugent wrote:

EME Systems (Dr. Tracy Allen) offered several products for the "Model T” 
notebooks. Take a look at a back issue of Portable 100 for the ads. For 
example, go to library/libp100.html and near the bottom 
right side of the page, select "Vol. 9 No. 9 Sep/Nov 1992” to download or view 
that issue of P100. (Direct link to the PDF: Vol. 9 No. 9 Sep/Nov 1992)
See the ad for the XR4 on page 2 as indicated by a PDF reader. (The actual 
magazine's page is CII, the inside of the front cover.) The OWL weather logger 
ad appears on page 19 (magazine page 17). EME’s ROMBO and extRAM show on page 
28 (magazine page 26).
I don’t know if the EME Systems address and phone numbers are still valid.
I’m sure other mention of EME Systems has been made on this mailing list. Tracy 
himself may even have posted. Maybe check the archives?
I hope this info helps lead you to the info you need.
— Nuge —

On Mar 12, 2017, at 9:56 AM, hargarg trurthsr <> wrote:

I have a model 102 with 32k ram expansion which I got in the 80's. I
just recently rediscovered it in closet and found some rom installed in 
the option rom slot. It has an eme systems logo on it, but I have no 
idea what it is. I've already tried calling 63012 and 63013 and the 
computer just freezes when I do that. Is there any way to figure out 
what the rom is from basic ?


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