Philip, It is an amazing thing you have done.
I used to have an 8201A with the PIC-Disk system that provided a full blown CP/M operating system. After losing that original computer and disk system to theft, I was left without access to 20 disks of CP/M files and programs and back-ups of my 8201A memory images for quite a while. I did end up resolving the situation by the use of some software called 22Disk, which let me gain access to the disks on an MS-DOS machine. But, I still had all these CP/M programs that were unusable to me. And now, I am wondering, would it be a relatively easy operation to take your M100 + CP/M solution and port it over to the NEC PC-8201A/8300 platform? Hoping it may just be a few differences in BIOS calls and I/O port mappings. This is definitely something I'd want to try to achieve. THanks for your work on this! Gary On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 3:45 AM, roger <> wrote: > Have you got all the cbios calls working or do you want help writing then? > > Roger > > > Skickat från min Samsung Galaxy-smartphone. > > -------- Originalmeddelande -------- > Från: Philip Avery <> > Datum: 2017-07-09 01:33 (GMT+01:00) > Till: m100 <> > Rubrik: [M100] CP/M has arrived for the M100 > > Well, it's arrived as far as Virtual T. It will need a new hardware > device developed to use on a real M100. > > Over a decade in the making (started in 2006), I present 64K CP/M 2.2 > running in VT with Remem enabled. The Remem is used as RAMdisk, to > emulate two disk drives of about 241KB each. > > To share this with the group, it would be easiest to share my VT > remem.bin (6MB). Together with my instructions in pdf, you'll be on the > air very quickly. > John Hogerhuis: May I send this to you to host on the site? > Ken Pettit: Will my windows variant of remem.bin work with all the other > variants of VT 1.7? > > While in theory it will work on a real M100 with Remem, and with > additional software could use a NADSBox to talk to the modern world (SD > card) - I think as these two items aren't readily available, it would > best if a new hardware solution is developed. Now that it's working in > the M100 environment, it's relatively straightforward to modify the BIOS > to work with any RAMdisk, other storage device or even a wireless solution. > > Thanks to Mike Stein for some beta testing. > > Philip >