Not sure what we're going to do with it considering the small screen, but it 
sure is one heck of an accomplishment.

Kudos and congratulations!

FWIW the MBASIC supplied is very similar to GWBASIC which in turn is very 
similar to ModelT BASIC; the main gotchas are cursor location and drawing, and 
running commands and parameters together without spaces is not allowed.

So it should not be too difficult to convert Model T BASIC programs and have 
access to two relatively large RAM disk "drives"...

Bitchin' !


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Philip Avery" <>
To: "m100" <>
Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2017 7:33 PM
Subject: [M100] CP/M has arrived for the M100

> Well, it's arrived as far as Virtual T. It will need a new hardware 
> device developed to use on a real M100.
> Over a decade in the making (started in 2006), I present 64K CP/M 2.2 
> running in VT with Remem enabled. The Remem is used as RAMdisk, to 
> emulate two disk drives of about 241KB each.
> To share this with the group, it would be easiest to share my VT 
> remem.bin (6MB). Together with my instructions in pdf, you'll be on the 
> air very quickly.
> John Hogerhuis: May I send this to you to host on the site?
> Ken Pettit: Will my windows variant of remem.bin work with all the other 
> variants of VT 1.7?
> While in theory it will work on a real M100 with Remem, and with 
> additional software could use a NADSBox to talk to the modern world (SD 
> card) - I think as these two items aren't readily available, it would 
> best if a new hardware solution is developed. Now that it's working in 
> the M100 environment, it's relatively straightforward to modify the BIOS 
> to work with any RAMdisk, other storage device or even a wireless solution.
> Thanks to Mike Stein for some beta testing.
> Philip

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