You don't need any tpdd device, you just need any modern pc and a usb
serial cable and some free software.

If you are even in the market a rex at all in the first place, then
automatically a usb serial adapter and a serial cable is hardly a special
unreasonable extra burden. It's like complaining about the price of a car
wash for your Ferrari

The only problem would be if the cpld programming is not the same for 100
vs 200. If not, then it would probably not be possible to take a 100 rex
and re-flash it to a 200 rex using only a 200.

Someone could just try it, or Stephen could probably just say.

I have a 200, but I don't remember if Stephen has made the 200 version
firmware available yet.

Then again, even if you do need a xilinx programmer to reflash the cpld,
that is only $30. The software is large to download, and a pain to activate
and get working, but completely free.

I have a hard time working up much sympathy over simply not wanting to
spend the time and effort to follow some recipe directions, after all the
stuff the builder had to do to get an M100 version built and working. It's
not totally unreasonable if M200 users have to re-flash.


On Oct 5, 2017 6:24 PM, "Jim Anderson" <> wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> >
> > Apparently, the only difference btwn the 100/102 REX and the 200 REX
> > is the software load. The parts are apparently the same.
> > [...]
> > However, for reasons of communication and sanity, I'm only dealing
> > with the 100/102 REX right now. I don't want any confusion about what
> > board I'm talking about.
> Hey Josh, as an idea: you could still build and test your REX modules for
> the 100/102, but sell them to t200 owners with the caveat that the
> purchaser will need to install it in their own 200 and reload the software
> themselves.  I'm not sure how safe it is to assume that every t200 owner
> who is interested in a REX already has a working TPDD device, but I'd be
> willing to bet that a lot of them do.  (or they're going to want to have
> one soon, since they won't otherwise be able to load ROM images or make
> backups of their RAM images)
>         jim

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