+1 on the adapter. But if you have a Tandy 200, pin 1 will need to be removed.
 Otherwise that works perfectly.


On Fri, Mar 29, 2019, at 1:49 PM, Mike Stein wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Thomas Morehouse 
> To: m...@bitchin100.com 
> Sent: Friday, March 29, 2019 3:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [M100] Tera Term help
> > Thanks gents. Being new to the 102 - USB game, I find that every step of 
> > the way needs another adapter gizmo. And the correct male/female connector 
> > for the gizmo is often an unexpected "gotcha".
> > For some reason I'd thought that the serial-usb cable would eliminate the 
> > need for the null modem. Live and learn.
> --------------------
> +1 Everything that John and others said.
> The USB<>RS-232 adapters emulate a 'real' serial port, so if you'd need a 
> null-modem there you'll also need one with the adapter; computer to computer 
> will almost always need a null-modem.
> If you're using a terminal program like Teraterm you actually only need a 
> three-wire null-modem cable (Rx, Tx and ground).
> Also, contrary to popular lore you should be able to use 19,200bd for your 
> transfers etc. without any problems as long as you select XON/XOFF 
> handshaking and disable any buffering in your USB adapter, at least if you're 
> using Windows.
> As John says, there are lots of options to connect two computers USB<>RS-232; 
> here's a null-modem adapter that turns a 'normal' DE-9 to DB-25 cable or 
> adapter into a null modem, same as Kurt's pinout (not to be confused with a 
> gender changer):
> Have FUN!
> m
> *Attachments:*
>  * NullMdmDE9a.JPG

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