On 9/22/19 7:51 AM, Ibi Sum wrote:
I’m definitely interested in buying one! I’ll use it with my Olivetti ... how to pay!?

This is the current plan:

1. On this Tuesday at 11:00am PDT, I will send an email to the Club100 list with a link at Club100 to a NADSBox order form. 2. The order form will be fairly simple ... supply Name, address and email. The form will send an order request to my Club100 email account.
3.  The first 9 orders recieved in my email inbox get the NADSBoxes.
4.  After I recieve 9 orders, I will disable the order form.
5.  I will send a Paypal invoice to the 9 people who place the orders first.
6. Pay the paypal invoice via PayPal's secure credit card processing system.
7.  I will ship the NADSBoxes after the invoices are paid.

To give people in Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, etc, a chance, I will re-enable the order form on Tuesday at 11:00pm PDT to sell the remaining 6 NADSBoxes and send another email on the Club100 list. Then repeat steps 2-7 (sending invoices most likely the next morning).


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