> Google search (aside from Model T) says some devices are tolerant of 30720.
> Some devices can be switched to non-standard 38400bps which Model T is
> exactly capable of.
> Also I wonder if there are confounding variables like flow control, and
> wiring?
> -- John.

There shouldn't be any issues with flow control: MIDI is about the simplest
serial interface there is: it's a 2-wire current loop. The specification
calls for 1% tolerance, so the most you can vary is 312.5bps. That makes a
maximum of 31,562.5 and a minimum of 30937.5. So 30720 is out of spec.
Devices like the Sound Canvas and Yamaha XG synths can accept data on the
serial port at 38,400, but that's a special case and based on the firmware
of the device setting its internal UART to that speed.

I've been thinking about this, and what I'd probably do is use an Arduino
as a translator. You can connect the T-100 to an Arduino through a serial
connection using a simple MAX232 level converter, or your can use the
parallel port to send 8 bits at a time. From there, you can use a MIDI
shield to connect to a synthesizer. You don't need a large program; it's
basically just relaying data with a small amount of buffering. So even an
Uno can do the job.

Here's another summary I found:

Although note that his cabling diagram is wrong. MIDI cables should only
have the shield connected at one end. Never connect the grounds of two
audio devices together through the MIDI cable, as this causes ground loops
and hum. So properly designed MIDI cables (as opposed to generic DIN-5
patch cables or PC keyboard extensions) only connect the shield at one end.

Tom Wilson

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