Hi Joshua,

Well, a cold reset will fix any issue with the M100 side of the equation. NEWDOS has no way of saving contextual information through a cold boot. The only information it saves is within the "TS-DOS" menu launcher (which is actually a BASIC program with no .BA extension). A cold boot would wipe this out, reseting to ground zero.

This would tend to indicate there is some issue with the "wired" end, whatever that is (I believe Steve already asked about that).

I guess you could try calling NEWDOS and specifically telling it not to use any delay to see if that makes any difference:

CALL 63012,1,1


On 3/31/20 1:24 PM, Joshua O'Keefe wrote:
Hi Ken,

In anticipation of my WiModem coming in I've decided to experiment with NEWDOS 5.05 while using my wired connection. I got it to come up on the DISK screen both with and without a delay, but the next time I went back into TS-DOS all disk operations would hang. Now I've even gone so far as to cold reset, and I still can't get a DISK screen to come up past the banner line. It just sits at the banner with no I/O attempted (from watching my serial LEDs) no matter what delay is set or disabled.

I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this. As far as I can tell, NEWDOS is the only pure TSDOS ROM out there with the shift down fix -- although it's also in Kurt's SARDOS, but not his M100 TSDOS+Delay ROM -- so it's an obvious choice for me as an end user who does a bit of roaming around on the DISK screen. If I can get it working again!

Any pointer where I should be looking to get it making I/O again? This is just a plain old null modem connection that works just dandy with other ROMs, so I'm surprised to run into issues with NEWDOS.

On Mar 29, 2020, at 10:52 AM, Ken Pettit <petti...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Hey Gang,

It's amazing how much I have forgotten since 2014!

With NEWDOS 5.05, using the F7 Cfg option from within NEWDOS, you can enable and set the delay factor using a UI I had added. This will not only change the delay factor for TPDD accesses, but also updates the "TS-DOS" MENU item with the selected delay. So by simply choosing TS-DOS from MENU, it will configure for the selected delay factor, it it is enabled.

If you want to set IP address in WiModem232, you probably still need the shortcut BA that John detailed.


On 3/29/20 1:19 AM, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:

On Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 11:08 PM Tom Wilson <wilso...@gmail.com <mailto:wilso...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Is NEWDOS a ROM we can install on Rex, or is it a COM file?

NEWDOS is a patched version of TS-DOS to install in REX (or a OptROM).


-- John.

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