as a suggestion if you included a breakout for pin 2, you could also use
this for Tx out on BCR, in line with the "BCR hack" I posted at the wiki.

as an FYI, I have a MAX232 based adapter board that converts TTL to RS-232,
for use with the BCR port.
I could share that if there is interest.
I used this board to send 57600baud serial data in/out of the BCR port.

On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 6:10 AM Brian K. White <> wrote:

> On 7/13/20 5:41 PM, Kurt McCullum wrote:
> > Looks great. Might be worth adding one more hole that goes to the BCR
> > data in pin for those interested in using it for input.
> I ended up making a separate breakout board for hacking/experimenting
> Breakout:
> And I've been massaging the usb and wimodem adapters, and the way
> oshpark works, you have to keep creating new links for each revision, so
> the current versions of those are:
> USB:
> Vertical USB:
> WiModem232:
> I just received an earlier version of the WiModem and usb adapters today
> and tested them and they both work.
> The BCR port successfully powers the WiModem, but unfortunately the low
> battery light flickers rapidly after a few minutes with fresh nimh
> batterlies, after about an hour with fresh alkalines. Machine still runs
> for at least a couple hours after that. I don't know how long before it
> actually dies, just that the battery light flickers rapidly and
> constantly, and I've had it on for 2 or 3 hours so far.
> I'm measuring about 4.85v out while loaded with the WiModem, and drawing
> about 80ma. 75ma when I issue the AT command to turn the led off.
> I think it was silly to get the OLED version of this thing. You can get
> all the information you need to operate the modem right in the terminal.
> I think those modules draw about 10-15ma. So between losing the OLED
> module and turning off the led, that could bring it down to as low as 60ma.
> --
> bkw

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