On 7/24/20 1:55 AM, Philip Avery wrote:
A-ha! Thanks Gary. Studying Brian's photos I see that wasn't originally a rechargeable pack. My (8201a) pack has the 70K ohm resistor on the

Yes it was originally a rechargeable pack.

The 5 button-cell original battery is NiCD, and wired right in to the wall power jack to be charged whenever there is wall power. The new batts are wired exactly the same, I didn't do anything new or different, just moved things around physically.

If you're talking about the vestiges of the 4xAA holder shapes in the case molding, that is just how they manufactured this pack. They took the cad files for the normal case, and just made a small modification to create a thin-walled flat spot for the panel-mount barrel connector to mount, and didn't bother changing anything else or drawing a new design from scratch. I can tell that the case was molded this way rather than modified from a normal case. The *design* was modified from the normal case.

I think I took some more pics a few months ago that might show that better. I'll see if I can find them.


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