> Yeah this particular 8300 was part of a gas chromatography instrument.
> Someone on facebook actually knew about it when I posted a couple pics
> of the weird unknown rom. Now no longer unknown.

Aha!  Yep, I actually acquired one of those same 8300s years ago; it
had that same curly-cord serial cable.  I actually have that very ROM
in my collection, same label with the same version listed.   The 8300
did seem to see a lot of use in industrial applications -- much more
than the 8201A.

> If I install the rechargeable pack, and plug the wall power into the
> battery pack instead of the computer, turn the machine on, and pull the
> wall wart out of the wall, the machine keeps running. The rechargeable
> pack and it's own power jack DO act as a UPS.

That totally makes sense now.   It's that power-disconnect feature of
the main system barrel power jack that they were getting around.

What's the condition of the machine itself?  For the one I had picked
up, the screen and keyboard had seen better days...


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