Of course I did it again, because I did nothing in the first place, or any
subsequent time.

You are in the wrong. Adjust what you consider harmful into something more
in tune with reality, and yes apologize for getting it a little wrong.

You can in fact do that. whatever weird internal list of words you have
been operating under, they didn't come from god, and they can be wrong and
they can be changed. Your attempt to say you're just enforcing a rule that
predates you is invalid and frankly silly.

Yes, you do owe me and averyone else an apology for chastizing someone when
they didn't do anything wrong, and for which they could not have possibly
known not to do, because there is no published list of illegal words.
Instead you may simply respond at any unpredictable time over anything. You
cannot say "evryone knows whats bad" because it has been demonstrated quite
clearly that everyone does not know, or have the same idea of what is
obviously profane and what is not.

You are simply in the wrong on this tiny detail, and you should apologize
for even saying anything in the first place, and adjust your list of
harmful language so that in the future you don't overstep like this again.

I was about to upload a video of using the BCR port to power an arduino
tpdd. The video is kind of crap. I can't freaking even say "please excuse
the craptastic video, but here's this thing working..."

Saying "crap" was itself already THE very way to avoid saying "shit". I
cannot believe that you don't know this.

Shall we write cr*p instead? But then everyone knows what it means, so
what's the difference? It's just another spelling for the same word.
essentially, or sayingvit in another language. Shall we write "excrement"
or "feces" how are those any better? Or, maybe you don't like any of those
either? It's illegal to reference bodily waste in any form, so when say,
something has a "crappy interface" ...

You're simply wrong. Adjust so as no no longer be wrong please, for the
sake of the shared facility you are administering.

Shall I dig up some kind of movie rating reference to show that "crap" is
allowed in even G rated materials designed specifically for children? A
list member should never have to become so lawyerly.

When you say, "everyone knows", in this case that applies to you. Everyone
does know. You should know what everyone else knows.

The ridiculousness of this complaint over this word is the only reason
anyone is talking about a published explicit list of banned words, because
if you are going to complain about that, then you might complain about
anything, and that makes the list into an uneasy place to try to

Here's how you can tell that you are in the wrong and not that guy who said

Your action chased him right off the list.
His action did not chase anyone else off the list.

That is a simple math to evaluate right there. Between you and that guy,
you were the one who harmed the list. I know you thought you were
protecting it, but go back and look at that very simple math again.


On Thu, Jul 23, 2020, 6:16 PM John R. Hogerhuis <jho...@pobox.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 2:12 PM Brian K. White <b.kenyo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Whoah you just did it again.
> Responded off list.
> -- John.

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