    On Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 07:18:43 PM EDT, Josh Malone 
<> wrote:  
 Android phone w/ USB serial cable is all of that, and Wi-Fi
On Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 6:57 PM Chris Fezzler <> wrote:

 I seem to recall I connected my Model T to an old Palm Pilot 500.
Batteries.  Check.  Simple.  Check.  Portable. Check.  Power-efficient.  Check.

    On Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 04:52:13 PM EDT, Wayne Lorentz 
<> wrote:  
 Thanks for the advice, John.  Unfortunately, I'm looking for something better 
than an Android device.  Too many wires, and too much complication.  And I 
liked that the NASDBox ran of off AA batteries, so I don't have to think about 
whether the Android device is charged or not.

I guess I was looking for something more in line with the philosophy of the 
100, itself: simple, portable, power-efficient.

Maybe someone will put a used one on fleaBay some day.

> On Aug 11, 2020, at 1:40 PM, wrote:
> If you need a completely portable solution for a TPDD emulator, I'd go for 
> mComm on an Android device.

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