Yes it could be a broken  trace they are very fragile, the boards are very
low quality and 35+ years old :)

There are quite a surprising number of things out there for the 100/102 from
modern software to new hardware add on designs.  There are a few repair
videos on YT if you need extra information.

From:  M100 <> on behalf of Scott McDonnell
Reply-To:  "" <>
Date:  Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 8:06 PM
To:  "" <>
Subject:  Re: [M100] Model 100 Repair - Keyboard not responding, LCD missing
a column

> I think you may be right. So, I went ahead and did that since it seemed quick
> and easy with a good desoldering pump. Unfortunately, I think some traces were
> damaged despite my being careful and using a good tool. At least one was
> obvious, but I didn¹t spot it until after I was finished (means I probably
> caused it.) I fixed that one, but I get nothing now so I suspect there are
> more I can¹t see with the naked eye. I will need to take the meter to the
> lines tomorrow and check for broken traces. Perhaps I blew a barrel from
> bottom to top side and will need to fix that. Traces seem very fragile.
> Anyway on the right track now. I would still like to replace my ROM to take
> advantage of the fact that this model is compatible with a 27C256. These are
> my very first M100¹s, so I just don¹t know what is out there or where to find
> them. I tried looking through the Club100 site and I have probably looked at
> the thing I want a 100 times and just not recognizing it. Would really
> appreciate a suggestion.
> Goodnight folks. Thank you for putting up with me tonight!
> Scott M.
> From: B4 Me100 <>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 10:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [M100] Model 100 Repair - Keyboard not responding,LCD missing a
> column
> Hi
> I suspect the standard RAM is probably bad and the first place to look.    I
> would pull that one out, as well as all the other RAM, and try another Œgood¹
> one in that location.   It should boot beyond the confused LCD screen.  I
> doubt the ROM is bad if it was broken nothing would work I have never seen a
> bad ROM but have replaced quite a lot of ceramic RAM modules ­ I think I have
> 7 bad modules on my bench, 4 from one machine :)
> The standard RAM module, the one that is soldered in, is where all the data is
> stored that controls the system.  If it is bad nothing works or at least it
> will be flakey.  Removing the other socketed RAM will not impact the system
> they are optional and are not needed to run the machine.   The machine appears
> to boot quite far into the ROM and I think after the LCD is turned on it
> starts to configure the standard RAM ready for file storage and general
> program use, which is where it appears to be failing.
> I would be tempted to replace all the ceramic OEM RAM modules with more modern
> versions just to make sure the machine is reliable for your application.  I
> have had one machine where they died in sequence ­ almost.
> Possibly first recap the boards to make sure the voltages are healthy and look
> for corroded traces - another very common fault.
> From: M100 <> on behalf of Scott McDonnell
> <>
> Reply-To: "" <>
> Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 6:28 PM
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Re: [M100] Model 100 Repair - Keyboard not responding, LCD missing a
> column
>> Well, good news and bad news. I cracked open the working M100 and they are
>> different generations of boards, so the ROMs are different. The good news is
>> that the ³bad² M100 has the type of ROM that can be replaced with a 27C256. I
>> only have some 28C256s sitting around so I ordered some 27C256s (don¹t want
>> to bodge the board to make a 28C256 work just out of impatience).
>> As soon as I can find a ROM image (can anyone point me to the location of
>> these and recommend an updated custom ROM?) I will burn an eprom and give
>> that a try. I do have a feeling that this is the problem.
>> For reference, my working M100 has board PLX110CH1X and the bad M100 has
>> PLX110EH1X. The RAM modules in the working unit also appear to be
>> after-market and my PIA is socketed, so someone worked on this before.
>> Bad is on the left, good is on the right:
>> From: Scott McDonnell <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 8:43 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [M100] Model 100 Repair - Keyboard not responding,LCD missing a
>> column
>> I should have added that the reason I suspect the one RAM module soldered to
>> the board is that I tried removing the other 3 (this has all 32K of memory
>> installed) and nothing changed. My next step was to desolder the RAM module,
>> install socket strips and then try one of the other RAM modules in the main
>> slot.
>> I am also planning to try taking the ROM from my working M100 and installing
>> that in the non-working unit to see if it is the ROM.
>> Any other ideas would be appreciated.
>> Scott M.
>> From: Scott McDonnell <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 8:06 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [M100] Model 100 Repair - Keyboard not responding,LCD missing a
>> column
>> I mentioned before that I bought two Model 100s and that one of them is not
>> working. Here is a description:
>> The computer boots sometimes. When it doesn¹t you get just a dark screen.
>> Turning on and off a few times, you get the menu. However, only Schedule is
>> populated (in the first slot which would normally be BASICŠ) and there is no
>> ³SELECT² at the bottom. No response from any keyboard keys.
>> The above leads me to believe that it is not really that the keyboard is not
>> working, but that the computer encounters a fault while loading the menu and
>> never completes to the point that I could use the keyboard. That leads me to
>> think maybe a faulty ROM or possibly the one RAM module that is soldered to
>> the board. I wonder what others might think?
>> Second problem:
>> The LCD is missing a column. I got brave and disassembled the LCD to clean
>> the contacts. The good news is that I think I fixed that missing column. The
>> bad news is that now the LCD is all jumbled mess. I don¹t think it is
>> alignment since some text displays perfectly fine is just the right spots. I
>> think it is a lack of pressure. Planning to install some thin foam inside the
>> metal surround to create more pressure on the LCD contacts. I think the metal
>> twist tabs are just not cutting it anymore. I will update whether this works
>> or not.
>> I plan to recap both of these and replace the NiCad batteries, but I don¹t
>> believe that either of them currently have any issues with those parts. If
>> anyone has experienced the above problem, I would very much like to hear what
>> you have done to fix it.
>> Scott M.

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