Ok, i've got TEENY.CO running, but have no idea what I'm supposed to do.
Where are the instructions?

 Curtis Vaughan  |  Computer Consultant
               AvantGuard Computer and Security Systems
               Phone: (206) 423-6979 ▪ Web: www.avantguardsystems.com

On Tue, Mar 2, 2021 at 2:37 PM Jim Anderson <jim.ander...@kpu.ca> wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> >
> > Well, if I try to rename ADVENT1.BA to ADVEN.DO, it still says file
> already exists and
> > actually it just creates ADVENT1.BA in RAM.
> Just wanted to point out that when it was suggested to rename the file,
> the idea was to rename it on the PC end rather than typing a new name for
> it when you load it through TS-DOS.  If you give a new name, it will only
> rename the first part of the name - the two character extension cannot be
> changed during a TS-DOS load or save operation and it will insist on
> keeping the original file type.
> One bit of key information you might not be aware of regarding file types,
> if the file you are transferring is a plain text listing of a BASIC program
> it must be transferred as a file ending in .DO so that the Model T will
> know it is a text file.  You can then go into BASIC on the Model T and load
> it, at which point it will tokenize it and you can save it as a tokenized
> .BA file.
> If you load a .BA file using TS-DOS it must be a tokenized file.  You can
> check by opening the .BA file in a text editor on your PC and see if it's a
> text listing or if it's a lot of high-ASCII (looks like garbage) with some
> plain text strings mixed in.
> Another thing, something you had said in a prior message sounded to me
> like you thought you needed to load the file from disk (the mComm server on
> the PC) and then save it in RAM.  It's useful to remember that RAM in the
> Model T *is* the filesystem, so you don't load into RAM and then save to
> local storage.  RAM is the local storage.  What the Save function in TS-DOS
> is used for is to copy files out of the RAM filesystem onto the disk device
> (the mComm server).  If you've been hitting Load and Save on a bunch of
> files, maybe take a minute to double-check what's in your mComm TPDD folder
> to make sure you didn't write back some of these empty or 1-byte files into
> your PC...
> The easiest way to remember the meaning of Load and Save is to remember
> that originally you were Loading files from and Saving files to an external
> battery-powered floppy drive (the Tandy Portable Disk Drive, hence the
> acronym TPDD).  Now, we're using a PC with mComm or LaddieAlpha or dlplus
> or other TPDD emulators, so we're Loading from or Saving to those devices.
> Aside from these things (which are useful bits of info to know when you
> are just starting out), I agree that it does sound like your Model T
> filesystem is corrupt.  The easiest thing to inject is TEENY because it's,
> well, tiny :) but IMHO even though it's bigger the easiest to deal with
> would be TSLOAD (by transferring the contents of TSL100.DO from Joshua's S3
> bucket which he just posted about).  This will create TSLOAD.CO in your
> machine which loads TS-DOS on demand from the PC whenever you need it, so
> it's not taking up so much of your Model T's RAM.
>         jim

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