On Tue, Mar 2, 2021 at 12:25 PM AvantGuard Systems <
cavaug...@avantguardsystems.com> wrote:

> Well, if I try to rename ADVENT1.BA to ADVEN.DO, it still says file
> already exists and actually it just creates ADVENT1.BA in RAM.
> I even tried LOADing a .DO file. Again it says file already exists, but
> this time the file in RAM has 1 bit. In reality it should be around 511.
By Bit I think you mean byte, but yeah.

ADVEN1.DO should show as about 17875 bytes, not 1 or 511.

> Uh.... RAM is corrupted possibility. Well, then I have to figure out how
> to get TPDD over to M100 from Linux, right?
A near certainty. Since you have a known working way to do this from
Windows I suggest you a) do a cold start to clear the corruption and b)
re-inject it from there.

Or embark on the journey of discovery... your choice :-)

In which case you need something in plain text .DO file format to start
with. I think the "IPL.BA"


Section on IPL.BA
I guess the IPL is included with mcomm as a file? Since it is able to
inject it. Maybe you can get it from there.

The other thing you could do is type in the IPL.

-- John.

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