Hello Charles, Stephen,

    I would be interested in a TPDD-2 PCB. FYI, the processor would have to be un-soldered from the PCB and soldered to another PCB (break-out board) to address the new external memory and be able to glitch the power, clock, and mode pins. But I would be more than happy to put it back on the original PCB again and ship everything back to you. The whole process isn't without risks, that is why I'm looking for a not-working TPDD-2 in hoped that it is the power supply or a mechanical issue and not a bad processor. I would hate to ruin a good working PPD; actually I would probably refuse to do this to a good working TPPD-2.

If you're still interested in contributing to the better understating of the inner working of the TPPD-2, drop me an e-mail and we can discuss it further.

Darren Clark

On 3/20/21 6:40 AM, Charles Hudson wrote:
Darren, Stephen:

I have a TPDD-1 and a TPDD-2.  Both are basket cases.  I had hoped to resurrect one or the other but in the interest of the general good you are welcome to cannibalize either, on condition that you at least return the parts to me when you are finished.

If you are interested you can email me or respond here.


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