On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 7:38 PM Alex ... <abortretryf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Tandy laptop nerds,
> So I've been reading Leo Brodie's "Starting Forth" and using my '102 as a
> playground / labrat. There's been a few inconsistencies I expected and can
> live with/work around, but I've noticed what seems like really bad bugs. It
> seems trivially easy to underflow the stack into la-la land. (For example:
> . . .S after a fresh boot will get it stuck spewing memory all over the
> screen)

I don't think that I'd call that a bug...

Forths are pretty close to the metal languages. They tend not to have a lot
of validity checks. You can crash it, no problem.

If you underflow the stack, bad things happen.  I'm actually not sure if
parameter stack underflow = crash is typical of other 8-bit Forths. But I
wouldn't be surprised.

> Has anyone actually used MFORTH for more than just simple tests? Is there
> maybe some hardware quirks involved here that don't exist on the Virtual-T
> emulator?

Your example crashes in CloudT too. It's not an emulation thing.

I like MForth and have messed with it a few times. But the big thing that
limits it is it offers no way to generate stand-alone CO files that can run
from the regular environment (with or without the ROM).

A metacompiler would be one way to do it.

-- John.


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