What would the Zilog SCC have gotten you? A couple extra serial ports for
additional modems?

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021, 23:41 Daryl Tester <
dt-m...@handcraftedcomputers.com.au> wrote:

> On 15/4/21 1:23 am, Alex ... wrote:
> > Figure this would be a fun one to share with the [M100] list. :)
> Sometime last century (if not millenium) I attempted to build an add on
> card
> for my M102 to run a Zilog SCC chip for the purposes of packet radio.  I
> only
> remembered this because I came across the board a year or so ago when
> cleaning
> up a little used junk box.  Alas, my lack of ability back then stymied me
> (I
> mean, I have a lack of ability now, but I make up for that in stubbornness
> -
> channeling the Dunning-Kruger).
> Cheers,
>    --dt

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