Oh, that was easier than I thought. The Google game is https://chromedino.com/

From: Scott McDonnell
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 11:10 AM
To: m...@bitchin100.com
Subject: Re: [M100] Dungeon Warrior - Game...

For a side scroller, a good place to start would probably be the simple game 
that google had made (need to find a link) that ran in a web browser. Your 
character is just running and you jump over hurdles. Technically your character 
is just in one place while the hurdles scroll right to left. That would get 
some of the mechanics down and only needs a couple of keys to operate and only 
a jump key while playing. Once the mechanics are nailed down, lots of things 
could be derived from it. 

For an adventure game, I was thinking about the function keys working as the 
verbs that could maybe change from room to room, or maybe even context to 
context. Like you choose Open and then the menu changes to things that can be 
opened in the scene. It would need to be designed carefully to make good use of 
the limited screen. The screen would lend itself well to a panoramic type scene 
(but very simple, of course.) I haven’t really worked this out yet beyond my 
imagination. One day!

Only 240x64 of screen real estate, so it would need require a lot of creativity.

From: lloydel...@comcast.net
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 8:23 AM
To: m...@bitchin100.com
Subject: Re: [M100] Dungeon Warrior - Game...

There was an interesting article on writing adventure games written by Greg 
Hassett for Creative Computing.    I did a search and found it at 

The text adventure games by him, Scott Adams and later Infocom are a game 
category by themselves.   I always looked upon these more as a puzzle then as a 
game per se in that once you solve them they are solved and there is  not much 
point of playing them anymore.  That has never been much of a problem for me 
since I was not that successful at solving the darn things.   I still enjoyed 
playing them.   I have yet to attempt writing one.

The games I worked with tended to be more strategy games where a random number 
generator algorithm replaces the dice toss of similar board games.

It is fun to get back into BASIC programming again.   An adventure game with 
some animation sounds like fun.  I’m having trouble envisioning the side 
scroller.   I’d be interested in how that would be implemented.   It’s given me 
an idea or two that I might investigate further.


From: M100 <m100-boun...@lists.bitchin100.com> On Behalf Of Scott McDonnell
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2021 8:27 PM
To: m...@bitchin100.com
Subject: Re: [M100] Dungeon Warrior - Game...

I am definitely interested in checking this out. I have been wanting to 
understand game programming on the M100.

Unfortunately I have not had the time to try it yet so I had no comments to 
give except thank you for sharing it with us!

Someday, I want to attempt an adventure game with some animation for the small 
screen of the M100. A side scroller would also fit well with the screen layout.

-------- Original message --------
From: lloydel...@comcast.net 
Date: 7/29/21 4:56 PM (GMT-05:00) 
To: m...@bitchin100.com 
Subject: [M100] Dungeon Warrior - Game... 

I had tried sending this out last week but there was no comments.   I shared it 
separately with another member of this group and he said he did not receive it. 
  So, maybe it did not go out.  Here it is again but without the screenshot.    
I rehosted another game to the TRS-80 Model 100 and NEC PC-8201.   This is 
another game I had written some 40 years ago.   It is called Dungeon Warrior.   
I spent some time documenting this game, its history and it’s features in the 
pdf file.    Even if you don’t play the game, you might find the pdf document 
interesting in that it references another game (Wizard War)  I developed with 
Fred Saberhagen (a prolific science fiction/fantasy writer).
The files can be found at 
Besides testing it on both the TRS-80 and NEC, I also tested it on the emulator 
at https://bitchin100.com/CloudT.
To run it on the emulator, do the following:
Copy the  text from DNGWAR,ba.txt and paste into the Add Plain Text input area.
Click Add Plain Text button to put the file into the virtual tape queue.     It 
will ask you for a file name.  Type, DNGWAR.

Click on Model T display, BASIC  and then press Enter to go into BASIC.
Type CLOAD.  You should see, “Found: DNGWAR”.
Wait until you see, OK.
Type Run
Again, I really appreciate CloudT.   (Thanks again to John R. Hogerhuis.)   
This enables me to share the program with those who do not have one of these 
old laptops.
Let me know if you have any comments or questions.

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