I was able to execute the RMDISK1.CMD file in sdltrs. I still can't figure out a combination of steps to create a disk image that sdltrs will boot from, but, it let's you just boot to the main rom with no disk and then you can hit Alt+X and it lets you browse to select a .cmd file, and it worked. The program runs and shows the "awaiting for command from model 100" screen. So, I think that means the extracted RMDISK1.CMD file is good, and it's really all you need.

On 9/4/21 3:50 PM, Brian K. White wrote:
I've captured a disk image with FluxEngine, but I don't know what you can do with it yet. It's not a JV1  or JV3 or DMK file, but JV1 is apparently such a simple format that maybe this works as a JV1 file by just renaming it.

... ok, think the disk is supposed to be a bootable TRSDOS disk, but I was not able to boot the disk image with sdltrs

However I was able to open it with trstools and extract the RMDISK1.CMD file.
that would be RMDISK1/CMD in trsdos or ldos

You should be able to take that file and stick it on any disk and run it.



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