I'm choosing to see updates as no different than at the time.

Half the files I download already have multiple people's names in them from people updating other people's work in the 80's. I would just keep doing the same, at least for real edits. I probably would not clutter things up and consume precious bytes of M100 ram with my name just because I removed junk null bytes from the end of a file.

In a lot of cases, I would also probably just make a whole new file rather than edit the old one. It depends how invasive and opinionated the edit was. A simple bugfix, I just do right in there. This includes docs not just code. For instance I discovered some legal BASIC code that one of the renumberer apps fails to handle. I'd insert a note about that right into the original doc for the app.

Also, this is why I modified the name instead of just using "M100SIG", even though I would really have rathered the shorter name to make a shorter url. Living_M100SIG hopefully leaves no doubt, right at first glance and first introduction even to a brand new user, that it is a different thing, and even the nature of the difference.

Let git and the original preserved zip file deal with preserving the original bytes just in case they weren't an error, or in case they are important for some other reason, like explaining why some other archive of discussions has so many posts complaining that a file doesn't work, when it seems to work fine.

Maybe I should actually place the original zip right in the top level directory with the readme? I wanted it present but out of the way, so that's why it's in the "releases" tab in github. But that is really a github feature not a part of git itself. If you clone the repo with a standard git cli command (not some fancy migrator tool like gitlab probably has) the "assets" files in releases aren't part of it. But if I put the zip in the root dir, or in a side dir, then it would be included in every git clone.

This brings up another similar thing, issues. Issues are where repo contents get discussed, and those are often worth saving since they document obscure/infrequent things, sometimes quite technically. And that is also a github add-on, not part of git itself. I think I'll investigate possible ways to somehow export or scrape github issues, if nothing else maybe collect the emails that github sends whenever an issue is updated, and feed those right back in to the repo proper as files in another directory? It's not too critical right now just an idea.

As for the mixed licenses, unless and until I or someone comes up with something better, I just put this in the licenses file:

This work(1) is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

(1) Defined as everything outside of the M100SIG directory, and all updates after the initial commit, including within the M100SIG directory.

The original contents of the M100SIG directory are licensed under the licenses of the respective authors.


On 12/18/21 12:50 PM, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:
Well I think that's useful and hopefully it works out.

If you ask yourself why no one has done that before the answer is propriety, intellectual property, moral rights since none of that stuff is under an open source license. Particularly when you realize there are two versions of the M100SIG zip file... one with Wilson Van Alst's contributions and posts and one without.

Sometimes people get angry about their posts and files they contributed on compuserve being shared freely. Not many but WvA was the existence proof.

Now this goes a big step further in allowing anyone to modify the archive... in a way, change history. I guess the counter argument is the original is still there in the change history.

And who's allowed to change which files? Copyright, moral rights are with the creators. But we don't know who is engaged, who cares, who is dead. As with all orphaned works.

Not saying you shouldn't do it. Just things to think about.

-- John.


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